The Journey of Lent at New Bridge

What is Lent?

While there are a variety of traditions and ways that Christians have observed Lent, for our purposes at New Bridge, we are seeking to enter into an intentional season of pursuing disciplines and rhythms that will help us live in the power and freedom available to us because of the death and resurrection of King Jesus. This, for us, is not a legalistic or religious practice of either proving or seeking affirmation based on our performance, commitment, or level of sacrifice. Lent is an opportunity to intentionally wean oneself from distractions and dependencies keeping us from living in the reality of all God is and what He has accomplished through Jesus Christ.

How can I participate?

Lent Guide

This PDF will not only lead you through daily ways to interact with our season of Lent, but it will also lead you to other ways of intentionally engaging with us as we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Our hope is to experience more of the reality of His resurrection in our daily lives. We hope you do too and that you’ll join us on this journey! 

Participate with us

Willing to share?

We are excited to hear about how God works in you through this season of Lent. Please share with us what you’ve given up for Lent, how you came to that decision, what God is teaching you, and how you are growing through this season.

We’ll be praying for you. Feel free to reach out with specific prayer requests.

Share Your Lent Story