As we follow Jesus, we also follow His heart that all people, near and far, would know His love and grace.
Currently, 33% of every dollar that comes into New Bridge is designated to ministries and partnerships outside of ourselves. We call this Extension.
Our Extension Team has structured our outreach ministries after Jesus’ charge to his followers found in Acts 1:8.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8
The Pantry is available to our community and is located on the 8th St side of the building by the loading dock. Please stop by to check it out or take a bag of items for yourself or for a friend in need. We are open Sundays after the second service ends (around 12-1 PM) and Tuesdays from 11 AM - 12 PM.
We have a great team of folks that volunteer to help keep the Pantry running and donation bins in the lobby to collect non-perishable food, pet food, and toiletries.
Contact pantry@nbccoly.org for more information or to volunteer.
New Bridge has a team of volunteers who are able to help out with certain house repairs or other small jobs around your home. This group is very capable and they love to serve those in need. If you have a neighbor or friend who has a home repair project that cannot meet this need on their own, contact projects@nbccoly.org and we'll see if there are ways the New Bridge Projects team can help out.
A few years ago, two New Bridge families approached us to ask if we would consider being a resource for local foster care families. As it turns out, we have a number of individuals and families connected with New Bridge who participate in foster care in some way. Some of these families have come together to share training and other resources with other foster care families in our area. If you are interested in learning more about this group, see their Orphan Care Handbook (PDF file) which explains more about who they are and how you can get involved. You can also contact them at orphancare@nbccoly.org.
Our life groups pray for opportunities to serve and meet the needs of those God has placed in their lives. We believe they are an important part of how God is making His love known through our church. The Extension Team provides financial assistance when needed so that life groups can respond to these practical needs and engage in opportunities to serve their community. extension@nbccoly.org
NBCC is reaching out to our immediate neighbors and our Life Groups have opportunities to support community events with service related projects.
Contact extension@nbccoly.org if you have questions about our involvement with our neighborhood and local organizations.
City Gates is a ministry in Olympia that has been reaching out to help people on the streets of Olympia since 1995. They and their many volunteers help those in need with food, furniture, clothing, guidance, and more. New Bridge partners with City Gates to help those who come to us with immediate financial needs. City Gates refers some of their people to New Bridge to find a church home. New Bridge has a few Life Groups and individuals that are dedicated volunteers and even staff at City Gates. Contact extension@nbccoly.org if you would like to find out more and get in touch with the New Bridge folks who are involved with this ministry.
Compelled to Care serves foster, adoptive and kinship families through building community, training foster parents and providing opportunities to serve, as well as supporting people through the foster licensing process. Compelled to Care began in 2015 as a small group and has grown to be one of the largest ministries of its kind in WA. Compelled to Care serves families in-person from Thurston County to Grays Harbor County and across the state online. Compelled to Care is excited to partner with New Bridge Community Church to host our monthly family dinners that provide a space for parents to share a meal with others who "get it" and be inspired by speakers while the kids are fed and taught curriculum by trauma informed children's ministry leaders.
Poverty, due to lack of skills, and in many cases fueled by addiction to alcohol, grabs hold of a home and can turn parents into depressed tyrants and children into neglected servants only good for fetching water or firewood.
Fueled by your partnership, God is bringing new hope to families in such a way that even government officials are taking notice and commenting, "We have never seen a program bring such dramatic change to our villages".
God has been pointing the way and opening doors to expand a Spirit-led movement that is empowering lives in villages throughout East Africa. HOPE is igniting. -
In February, 2023, New Bridge played a significant role in opening the first World Relief office in Thurston County to welcome refugees to our community. World Relief works with many churches, NGOs, and the local government to see refugees welcomed, rooted, and empowered in community. There are many ways to build relationships and serve in this incredible ministry. Click here to learn more. Email admin@nbccoly.org if you are interested in getting involved.
New Bridge participates in a Warehouse Program provided by World Vision in Fife, WA. This affords us the opportunity to obtain items for our pantry, for our Projects ministry, or for other needs inside and outside our New Bridge body. There are also opportunities to volunteer at the Warehouse to help other churches and organizations to access these items. For information about this program and New Bridge particpation, contact warehouse@nbccoly.org
Young Life is a ministry that focuses on meeting students where they are at in their campuses and in their spiritual journeys, inviting them to experience life as God designed it to be. New Bridge has a long history of partnering with Young Life financially and with many serving in the local schools. To learn more about Young Life, click here.

Care Team
The Care Ministry provides meals and other assistance to people going through various situations: post surgery, new baby, moving in out of town, going through court issues, deploying or returning military spouses, loss of a loved one, or a neighbor/co-worker with these situations.
If you are in need, please do not hesitate to contact our Care Team.
If you would like to volunteer on the Care Team. You can click below.
Projects Team
Our Handyman/Projects Ministry is guided by James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father sees as pure is this, to look after widows and orphans in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We aim to serve elderly, spouses of deployed service members, those with significant health challenges, and those with extreme financial needs. Our projects have ranged from simple yard work to replacing entire roofs. Contact projects@nbccoly.org if you have a project to suggest to our team